Source Conservation intentionally stewards 'Sacred Landscapes,' developing long term sustainable financial support for a network of organic, wild-crafted, ecologically conscious farms and ethnobotanical sanctuaries (ES).

Our management is informed by holistic and regenerative practices, guiding our collective stewardship at ‘Source Conservation Nodes,’ which serve as research sites, farms, homes, and conservation eco-corridors.

Our focus lives in native tree nurseries and reforestation efforts. We value carbon sequestration, food production, and the purity of our waters.

We assist our culture with education outreach promotional events.

Regenerative Agroecology

   Guardianship - Sacred Waters - Protected Areas - Living Forests - Indiginous Rights

Propagating Endemic Trees and Native Plants in Local Nurseries

Community Building Education Outreach Events Fusing Art and Ecology

Securing lands for Regenerative Agriculture and Ethnobotanical Research    


   ​We intentionally steward 'sacred landscapes', developing long term sustainable financial support for a network of regenerative, organic, wild-crafted, ecologically conscious farms and ethnobotanical sanctuaries (ES).  
We secure and preserve large sectors of  'ecosystem corridors' for indigenous plants, animals, waters, and people to thrive in their native habitats.  Protected areas such as living forests, heritage sites, ethnobotanical sanctuaries, managed watersheds, and regenerative agricultural arrangements are established in order to preserve genetic biodiversity of trees, plants, fungi, microbes, animal species, and heirloom crop varieties of medicinal, ecological, economic & ethnobotanical value. We collect information on the use, preparation and growing techniques of these traditional plants, to contribute to the greater spiritual & biological collective understanding of nature and the self.  

By collectively protecting the remaining sections of pristine wild lands, living forests, and fresh waters, the endemic diversity of earth dewlling organisms is preserved through ecological stewardship and guardianship. Our practices are constructed to explore ecopsychological well being - implementing both 'Scientific Agroecological Knowledge' and 'Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)'

 Sacred Sites are curated to ensure the future well being of the plants and peoples, and to provide venues for ecoliteracy and the intergenerational transference of traditional ecological knowledge.
Ceremonies allow for the intergenerational transference of traditional ecological knowledge, thus empowering the next generation of conservation leaders. Through these platforms we enable greater regional issues to be shared within local communities. By establishing landscapes with public access, we allow indigenous people access to their sacred sites and protected areas to perform ceremonies and enact traditional indigenous lifeways, which in turn serves to preserve biodiversity and cultural forms.

Protected areas free from extractive mining, drilling or logging exist in harmony with structures for humans habitation, tool storage, food processing, and community engagement, as well as complex food-forest style regenerative agricultural experimental research zones, thus ensuring managable biodiversity in healthy mosaics of micro-ecosystems.

Our management employs the creation of terraces and water retention earthworks to establish new microenvironments for harvesting water high in our landscapes to feed aquifers, springs, the living forest, and farming systems below. Terraforming is our modern concept utilized toward crafting finely tuned landscapes primed to ensure the evolution of life and environment within optimal initial conditions.

Source Conservation (SC) is able to purchase and receive in donation various offerings of wild clean land to faciliate the guardianship over natural ecosystems. Source Conservation is able to work collaboratively with existing land owners and management organizations to facilitate land stewardship via our academic collective.
By establishing conservation and community land trusts as well as conservation trust funds, we breathe to life innovative and transformational solutions for long term financially stable models of land stewardship.
Ethically sound land management & the conservation of plant genetics is our prerequisite for creating nodes for sustainable scientific research to evolve with new and old forms of agriculture. We actively develop venues for collaboration - bridges from the financial, academic, and art worlds into ecology, conservation, and agriculture dynamics. 
The combination of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) gained from Indiginous Wisdom Keepers of the 'Sacred Council' and agroecological scientific knowledge curated by the scientific and academic communities of modernity allows us to implement and test synthetic approaches to research in soil health, water management, holistic nutrition, and thriving societies. By intersecting the local and the international we empower heritage and cultural ecological diversity of understanding. We grow financial resources towards a flourishing society that values biodiversity, land conservation, remediation, reforestation, and the creation of a truly sustainable, regenerative agriculture.

Our events provide education, outreach, and inspiration for the youth, integrating academia, arts, and diverse ecological cultures. We begin with observation of local clean watersheds and oceans, sacred cultural landscapes, successful management strategies, and the time tested spirit of guardianship over the living forests and sacred waters. We proceed by applying our will to restore a thriving, adaptive, and enduring whole-earth society.


We are forest researchers and guardians. Our core is a body of activists, explorers and forest stewards. Source Conservation networks with a hive mind of academic richness that actively explores our local redwoods of the west coast, to the most remote island archepelego in the world, Hawaii, spreading into the Amazonia and the diverse landscapes of Brasil. Bridging arts with ecology, infusing design and conservation with agriculture, we have developed a diverse quivver of modalities which facilitate a collective healing process for our communities, our families and our home lands of Earth.  Our interdisciplinary quorum of psychology, anthropology, ethnobotany, neuroscience, arts, sustainability, environmental studies, island ecology, geology, forestry, rhetoric, religious studies, and philosophy attempts to address the critical demands of the day.